Candle lighting
6:44 PM on
Friday, 14 March 2025
Jewish Enrichment Program
In the Jewish Enrichment Program, the joys, values and traditions of Judaism are brought vividly to life.
We know it is essential that this experience represent a positive, cheerful, and enjoyable chapter of your child’s maturing process. The primary goal of our program is that your child be left with deeply rooted feelings of pride and affection for his or her heritage and for the land of Israel. We believe our goals can best be accomplished in an atmosphere of joy and warmth.
Philosophy The Jewish Enrichment Program is a traditional learning center that successfully caters to Jewish families from all walks of life. Indeed, everyone can feel comfortable with our style and approach. Chabad welcomes every Jew, regardless of religious background or level of observance. It is for this very reason that our program does not require any membership or prior affiliation as a condition for enrollment. A Jewish education. No child will be turned away due to inability to pay.
Atmosphere The underlying spirit of the Jewish Enrichment Program brings Judaism to life in an atmosphere of joy, pride, and excitement. Games, songs, parties, contests, awards, arts & crafts, and audio-visual presentations are blended with the curriculum to keep your child motivated and enthusiastic. Educational outings also add an exciting dimension to the program.
 Our staff Our staff members are chosen for their personal warmth and ability to understand and care for each child as an individual. Each teacher has an extensive knowledge of Judaism and the strategies to successfully share Judaism with children of all levels of knowledge. Our teachers are as excited about teaching as our students are about learning!
Curriculum Our program is designed to provide a broad understanding and appreciation of Judaic tradition and scholarship. Areas of academic emphasis include: Hebrew reading, writing and vocabulary; Jewish history, Holidays, Traditions, Culture, Prayer and current events.
More information Ages: Boys and girls, ages 5-12* *Special Bar and Bat mitzvah classes. Call for more info.
Hours: Sundays, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Wednesday Evenings, 4:30 - 6:00 PM - an optional additional program for children ages 8 and up offering a more advanced Hebrew and Judaic curriculum.
Location: Chabad Hebrew School 63 Vassar Rd. Poughkeepsie, NY Transportation an option
Annual Tuition: $300 for the year (includes books and materials) For Sunday and Wednesday program: $450. Discount for additional child(ren) Synagogue affiliation not required. If interested in a class in the Newburgh area, please call us.
For more information and/or registration, please contact Mrs. Hindy Borenstein at 463-5801 or email